747 research outputs found

    Jardines Impresionistas. El artista pintor y jardinero

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    Si hubiera que indicar los vehículos principales del impresionismo serían, sin duda alguna, la luz y el color. Para dar rienda suelta a su pincel buscaron los escenarios más propicios, entre los que destacan los jardines y parques de las ciudades y de la periferia, sobre todo París. Estos espacios urbanos eran el reflejo de la sociedad moderna, del tiempo de ocio y del auge de la burguesía. De esta forma, los impresionistas recrearon en sus cuadros los paseos, los picnics y las diversas actividades que los parisinos de finales del siglo XIX practicaban en estos lugares. Así, aunque el jardín comience siendo el escenario de esta atmósfera contemporánea, poco a poco comienza a ser el motivo de la obra

    Evolución de la cctividad turística en los municipios de Tenerife

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    El objetivo de este Trabajo de Fin de Grado es analizar la evolución de la actividad turística de la isla de Tenerife en el que se explica los cambios producidos en materia turística desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad. También se menciona el papel que juega el turismo en el desarrollo económico de la isla. Para la realización del estudio se ha realizado un análisis sobre la oferta y la demanda a nivel insular y a nivel municipal con los datos obtenidos del Instituto Canario de Estadística (ISTAC). Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha llevado a cabo con el fin de conocer las variantes a las que se ha enfrentado la isla a lo largo de los años, que posición tiene como destino turístico y conocer aquellas acciones que puede seguir Tenerife para seguir manteniéndose como un destino turístico de gran importancia o incluso mejorar esa posición.The objective of this Final Degree Project is to analyze the evolution of tourist activity on the island of Tenerife, which explains the changes that have taken place in tourism from its origins to the present. The role played by tourism in the economic development of the island is also mentioned. To develop the study, an analysis was made of supply and demand at the island level and at the municipal level with the data obtained from the Canary Islands Statistics Institute (ISTAC). This Final Degree Project has been carried out in order to know the variants that the island has faced over the years, what position has as a touristic destination and know what actions Tenerife can continue to maintain as a touristic destination of great importance or improve that position

    Comportamiento de un convertidor catalítico tipo monolito para reducir las emisiones de monóxido de nitrógeno de un motor diesel

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    120 páginas. Maestría en Ciencias e Ingeniería Ambientales.En la presente tesis se ha estudiado la reducción de óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) utilizando sistemas catalíticos bimetálicos consistentes en Pt y Ag soportados sobre alúmina estabilizada con WOx sobre monolitos comerciales a base de cordierita. La investigación es continuación de un estudio previo donde se demostró que el catalizador bimetálico de Pt-Ag soportado sobre γ-Al2O3-WOx en polvo presenta alta actividad en la reducción de NOx en presencia de propano. En este trabajo se exponen los resultados de la actividad catalítica de cinco catalizadores bimetálicos de Pt-Ag y uno monometálico de Ag, soportados en γ-Al2O3 por el método de impregnación. Se describe la metodología de preparación de los catalizadores por el método de inmersión (Washcoating) de los monolitos de cordierita dentro de suspensiones de boehmita así como el efecto que tiene la etapa de calcinación, ya sea en flujo de aire dentro de un calcinador tubular o por calcinación en mufla (convencional), sobre la dispersión de Pt y la actividad catalítica de los NOx. Los catalizadores se caracterizaron por quimisorción de hidrógeno para determinar la dispersión de platino. Por microscopia electrónica de barrido y EDS se determinó la microestructura y tamaño de partícula además del mapeo atómico de elementos en algunos catalizadores. Por difracción de rayos-X se determinaron las fases cristalográficas presentes en el soporte y se evidenció la presencia de óxido de plata (Ag2O). Se determinó el área específica, el tamaño y el volumen de poro por fisisorción de nitrógeno. La evaluación de la actividad catalítica se llevó a cabo en la reacción de reducción de óxido nítrico utilizando una mezcla de gases de combustión similar a la que emite un motor Diesel. Durante la evaluación catalítica se mantuvo la temperatura de reacción de 350°C a fin de comparar el desempeño de cada catalizador-monolítico en función del tiempo de reacción, además se estudió el efecto del pretratamiento de desactivación acelerada con alta temperatura (700°C) y en presencia de aire/SO2. La actividad de los catalizadores demostró la importancia de la etapa de calcinación, así como la dispersión de Pt. En tres catalizadores bimetálicos calcinados en flujo de aire se observó una mayor estabilidad en la conversión de NOx en función del tiempo, mientras que los otros dos catalizadores bimetálicos, calcinados en mufla, mostraron menor estabilidad. El catalizador de Ag/γ-Al2O3 mostró baja conversión de NOx y su curva de desactivación es similar a la del catalizador bimetálico Pt-Ag sometido al pretratamiento de desactivación. Las mayores conversiones de NOx se observaron en los catalizadores con altas dispersiones de Pt. Estos catalizadores fueron los más estables durante las 4 h de evaluación. Todos los catalizadores fueron activos en la combustión de monóxido de carbón y propano hacia la formación de dióxido de carbono. El mejor catalizador (CAT.1) reunió varias cualidades importantes, específicamente la mayor dispersión de Pt, alta área superficial relativa y una distribución uniforme de Pt y Ag en la superficie confirmada por mapeo atómico.In this thesis we have studied the reduction of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) in the catalytic systems bimetallic, composed of Pt and Ag supported on alumina stabilized with WOx on monoliths commercial basis of cordierite. The research is a continuation of a previous study where it was shown that the catalyst is bimetallic Pt-Ag supported on γ-Al2O3-WOx powder, exhibits high activity in the reduction of NOx in the presence of propane. This paper presents the results of the catalytic activity of five catalysts bimetallic Pt-Ag and one monometallic Ag, supported on γ-Al2O3 by the method of impregnation. Describes the methodology of preparation of catalysts by the method of immersion (Washcoating) of the monoliths of cordierite within suspensions of boehmita as well as the effect of the stage of calcination, either in the flow of air in a calcined tube or by calcination in muffle (conventional), on the dispersion of Pt and catalytic activity of NOx. The catalysts were characterized by quimisorción of hydrogen to determine the dispersion of platinum. By scanning electron microscopy and EDS was determined the microstructure and particle size in addition to the mapping atomic elements in some catalysts. By X-ray diffraction identified the phases crystallographic present in the support and is evidenced by the presence of silver oxide (Ag2O). We determined the specific area, the size and the pore volume by physisorption of nitrogen. The evaluation of the catalytic activity was carried out in the reduction reaction of nitric oxide using a mixture of combustion gases similar to that emitted by a Diesel engine. During the catalytic evaluation was maintained the reaction temperature of 350°C in order to compare the performance of each catalyst-monolithic in function of the reaction time, in addition, we studied the effect of pretreatment of deactivation is accelerated with high temperature (700°C) and in the presence of air/SO2. The activity of catalysts showed the importance of the stage of calcination, as well as the dispersion of Pt. In three bimetallic catalysts calcined in air flow was observed a higher stability in the conversion of NOx as a function of time, while the other two bimetallic catalysts calcined in muffle showed less stability. The Ag/γ-Al2O3 catalyst had very low conversion of NOx and its deactivation curve resembles of the bimetallic Pt-Ag catalyst subjected to deactivation pretreatment. The higher conversions of NOx were observed in the catalysts with high dispersions of Pt, so these catalysts were the most stable during the 4 h of evaluation. All catalysts were active in combustion of carbon monoxide and propane to form carbon dioxide. The best catalyst (CAT.1) met several important qualities, specifically the higher dispersion of Pt, high surface-area-related and a uniform distribution of Pt and Ag on the surface confirmed bymapping atomic.Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (México)

    Applying the COM-B model to creation of an IT-enabled health coaching and resource linkage program for low-income Latina moms with recent gestational diabetes: the STAR MAMA program.

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    BACKGROUND:One of the fastest growing risk groups for early onset of diabetes is women with a recent pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes, and for this group, Latinas are the largest at-risk group in the USA. Although evidence-based interventions, such as the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), which focuses on low-cost changes in eating, physical activity and weight management can lower diabetes risk and delay onset, these programs have yet to be tailored to postpartum Latina women. This study aims to tailor a IT-enabled health communication program to promote DPP-concordant behavior change among postpartum Latina women with recent gestational diabetes. The COM-B model (incorporating Capability, Opportunity, and Motivational behavioral barriers and enablers) and the Behavior Change Wheel (BCW) framework, convey a theoretically based approach for intervention development. We combined a health literacy-tailored health IT tool for reaching ethnic minority patients with diabetes with a BCW-based approach to develop a health coaching intervention targeted to postpartum Latina women with recent gestational diabetes. Current evidence, four focus groups (n = 22 participants), and input from a Regional Consortium of health care providers, diabetes experts, and health literacy practitioners informed the intervention development. Thematic analysis of focus group data used the COM-B model to determine content. Relevant cultural, theoretical, and technological components that underpin the design and development of the intervention were selected using the BCW framework. RESULTS:STAR MAMA delivers DPP content in Spanish and English using health communication strategies to: (1) validate the emotions and experiences postpartum women struggle with; (2) encourage integration of prevention strategies into family life through mothers becoming intergenerational custodians of health; and (3) increase social and material supports through referral to social networks, health coaches, and community resources. Feasibility, acceptability, and health-related outcomes (weight loss, physical activity, consumption of healthy foods, breastfeeding, and glucose screening) will be evaluated at 9 months postpartum using a randomized controlled trial design. CONCLUSIONS:STAR MAMA provides a DPP-based intervention that integrates theory-based design steps. Through systematic use of behavioral theory to inform intervention development, STAR MAMA may represent a strategy to develop health IT intervention tools to meet the needs of diverse populations. TRIAL REGISTRATION:ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02240420

    Developing a comparative marine socio-economic framework for the European Atlantic Area

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    Availability and easy access to a wide range of natural and human-activity data on the oceans and coastal regions of Europe is the basis for strategic decision-making on coastal and marine policy. Strategies within Europe’s Integrated Maritime Policy, including the Maritime Strategy for the Atlantic Area, Blue Growth, Maritime Spatial Planning and Marine Data and Knowledge, require coherent and comparable socio-economic data across European countries. Similarly, the Marine Strategy Framework Directive requires member states to carry out economic and social analysis of their waters and the reformed Common Fisheries Policy includes a social dimension requiring socio-economic data. However, the availability of consistent, accessible marine socio-economic data for the European Atlantic Arc regions is limited. Ocean economy studies have been undertaken in some countries (for example, Ireland, France, and UK) but timescales and methodologies are not necessarily comparable. Marnet is an EU transnational co-operation project involving eight partners from five member states of the Atlantic Area (Ireland, Spain, UK, France and Portugal). Marnet has developed a methodology to collate comparable marine socio-economic data across the Atlantic regions. The comparative marine socio-economic information system developed by Marnet could provide a template for other European States to follow that could potentially facilitate the construction of a Europe-wide marine economic information system as envisaged under the EU Integrated Maritime Policy

    12-h clock regulation of genetic information flow by XBP1s

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    © The Author(s), 2020. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Pan, Y., Ballance, H., Meng, H., Gonzalez, N., Kim, S., Abdurehman, L., York, B., Chen, X., Schnytzer, Y., Levy, O., Dacso, C. C., McClung, C. A., O'Malley, B. W., Liu, S., & Zhu, B. 12-h clock regulation of genetic information flow by XBP1s. Plos Biology, 18(1), (2020): e3000580, doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000580.Our group recently characterized a cell-autonomous mammalian 12-h clock independent from the circadian clock, but its function and mechanism of regulation remain poorly understood. Here, we show that in mouse liver, transcriptional regulation significantly contributes to the establishment of 12-h rhythms of mRNA expression in a manner dependent on Spliced Form of X-box Binding Protein 1 (XBP1s). Mechanistically, the motif stringency of XBP1s promoter binding sites dictates XBP1s’s ability to drive 12-h rhythms of nascent mRNA transcription at dawn and dusk, which are enriched for basal transcription regulation, mRNA processing and export, ribosome biogenesis, translation initiation, and protein processing/sorting in the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)-Golgi in a temporal order consistent with the progressive molecular processing sequence described by the central dogma information flow (CEDIF). We further identified GA-binding proteins (GABPs) as putative novel transcriptional regulators driving 12-h rhythms of gene expression with more diverse phases. These 12-h rhythms of gene expression are cell autonomous and evolutionarily conserved in marine animals possessing a circatidal clock. Our results demonstrate an evolutionarily conserved, intricate network of transcriptional control of the mammalian 12-h clock that mediates diverse biological pathways. We speculate that the 12-h clock is coopted to accommodate elevated gene expression and processing in mammals at the two rush hours, with the particular genes processed at each rush hour regulated by the circadian and/or tissue-specific pathways.This study was supported by the American Diabetes Association junior faculty development award 1-18-JDF-025 to B.Z., by funding from National Institute of Health HD07879 and 1P01DK113954 to B.W.O, by funding from National Science Foundation award 1703170 to C.C.D. and B.Z., and by funding from Brockman Foundation to C.C.D and B.W.O. This work was further supported by the UPMC Genome Center with funding from UPMC’s Immunotherapy and Transplant Center. This research was supported in part by the University of Pittsburgh Center for Research Computing through the resources provided. Research reported in this publication was further supported by the National Institute of Diabetes And Digestive And Kidney Diseases of the National Institutes of Health under award number P30DK120531 to Pittsburgh Liver Research Center, in which both S.L. and B.Z. are members. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    Morosidad del impuesto predial y su incidencia en ejecución de obras públicas de la Municipalidad Víctor Larco, período 2014-2018

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    Esta investigación tiene como finalidad poder determinar la incidencia de morosidad del impuesto predial en la ejecución de obras públicas de la Municipalidad Víctor Larco, período 2014 - 2018, así mismo determinar los factores que intervienen en la existencia de la morosidad del impuesto predial, cabe señalar que se utilizó el diseño no experimental ya que la información adquirida de la Municipalidad Víctor Larco es tal cual a lo que acontece en la realidad sin manipulación alguna de la información brindada, esta investigación es correlacional descriptiva porque se busca la relación existente entre la morosidad del impuesto predial y la ejecución de obras públicas en la Municipalidad Víctor Larco. Para esta investigación se cuenta con una población de 2289 de la cual se obtuvo una muestra de 329 contribuyentes morosos, en la cual se empleó la técnica de la encuesta, como también el análisis documental, el cual nos permitió llegar a la siguiente conclusión: El índice de la morosidad del impuesto predial en el año 2017 fue del 78% ya que solo recaudó el 22%, incidiendo negativamente en la ejecución de obras públicas de la Municipalidad Víctor Larco, al no poder cumplir con todas las obras planteadas durante los períodos 2014 – 2018

    Accuracy of Fitbit Activity Trackers During Walking in a Controlled Setting

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    Activity trackers are widely used to measure daily physical activity. Many devices have been shown to measure steps more accurately at higher intensities, however, it is also important to determine the accuracy of these new devices at measuring steps while walking at a pace similar to that used during most daily activities. PURPOSE: To assess the accuracy of 6 popular activity trackers at measuring steps while walking on a treadmill. METHODS: Twenty-six college students (Mean±SD; 22.1±3.7yrs; 25.1±4.0kg/m2; 13 male) walked 500 steps at 3mph on a treadmill while wearing 6 different activity trackers (Pedometer, Fitbit Blaze, Charge HR, Alta, Flex, Zip, One). The Charge HR was placed two fingers above the right wrist while the Flex was next to the wrist bone. The Blaze was placed two fingers above the left wrist while the Alta was next to the wrist bone. The Fitbit Zip and the One were aligned with the hipbone on the left and right waistband respectively. Steps were counted by a trained researcher using a hand tally counter. Missing values were replaced with the mean value for that device. Step counts were correlated between Fitbit devices and the pedometer and tally counter using Pearson correlations. Significance was set at p\u3c0.05. Mean bias scores were calculated between the step counts for each device and the tally counter. Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) values were also calculated for each device relative to the tally counter. RESULTS: Fitbit Zip and One were significantly correlated with the tally counter (r=0.50, p\u3c0.05; r=0.68, p\u3c0.01, respectively) while the other devices were not significantly correlated. Mean bias and MAPE values were as follows: Device (Mean Bias/MAPE) Pedometer (-0.2±39.2/3.8±6.8), Blaze (34.5±67.1/9.9±11.3), Charge HR (-12.6±61.5/7.0±10.3), Alta (-85.0±70.8/17.1±14.1), Flex (49.5±242.4/19.7±45.3), Zip (1.8±3.4/0.4±0.6), One (0.2±2.1/0.3±0.3). Fitbit Zip and One were within one half percent of actual steps while wrist-worn Fitbits ranged from 7.0-19.7% from actual step counts. CONCLUSION: Consistent with previous research, activity trackers worn at the waist provide the most accurate step counts compared to wrist-worn models. Differences found in wrist-worn models may result in significant over- or underestimation of activity levels when worn for long periods of time

    The role of appetite-related hormones, adaptive thermogenesis, perceived hunger and stress in long-term weight-loss maintenance: a mixed-methods study

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    Background/objectives: Weight-loss maintenance is challenging, and few succeed in the long term. This study aimed to explain how appetite-related hormones, adaptive thermogenesis, perceived hunger and stress influence weight-loss maintenance. Subjects/methods: Fifteen adult women (age, 46.3 ± 9.5 years; BMI, 39.4 ± 4.3 kg/m2) participated in a 24-month intervention, which included 3–5 months total diet replacement (825–853 kcal/d). Body weight and composition (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), resting metabolic rate (indirect calorimetry), and fasting plasma concentration of leptin, ghrelin, glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), peptide YY (PYY), and growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF-15) were measured at baseline and after weight loss, around 6 months. Perceptions relating to weight-loss maintenance were explored using qualitative interviews. Results: Mean (SD) changes in body weight (−13.8 ± 6.3 kg) and total adipose tissue (−11.5 ± 4.9 kg) were significant (P < 0.001). Weight loss was associated with a significant reduction in resting metabolic rate (−291 ± 226 kcal/day, P < 0.001) and adaptive thermogenesis (−150 ± 162 kcal/day, P = 0.003), reduction in leptin (P < 0.001) and GLP-1 (P = 0.015), an increase in ghrelin (P < 0.001), and no changes in PYY and GDF-15. Weight regain between 6 and 24 months (6.1 ± 6.3 kg, P < 0.05) was correlated positively with change in GLP-1 (r = 0.5, P = 0.037) and negatively with GLP-1 at baseline (r = −0.7, P = 0.003) and after weight loss (r = −0.7, P = 0.005). Participants did not report increased hunger after weight loss, and stress-related/emotional eating was perceived as the main reason for regain. Conclusions: Weight regain is more likely with lower fasting GLP-1 and greater reduction in GLP-1 after weight loss, but psychological aspects of eating behaviour appear as important in attenuating weight-loss maintenance